Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Year 3 - Unit11: In School



with Miss Bee 

  • Prepositions are linking words in a sentence.
  • Prepositions usually sit before nouns or pronouns to shows the noun's or pronoun's relationship to another word in the sentence.

Mr. Bee is very late for his date with Miss Bee. Let us help Mr. Bee to get through the obstacles by sorting out the answer.

Instructions: Based on the picture below, fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.

 on              at              up 

The book is ______ the table.

We eat lunch together ____ the canteen.

She is walking _____ the stairs.


Finally, Mr. Bee has reached to  Miss Bee's house and he is not late for his date with Miss Bee.


Instructions: Based on the picture above, make 5 sentences by using the word on, at and up. 

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